Birds of the River and Corkagh Park

Over 70 species of Birds have been recorded in nearby Corkagh Park, which is home to many resident species as well as migrants which come and stay for the winter or summer, as well as passage migrants (birds which are in transit further north and south) and just use the park as a stepping stone on their journeys.  Here is a list of Corkagh birds compiled by local birdwatchers David Brown, Fridolin Kerr and Tim O'Brien.
R beside the birds name means Resident, you can see them all year round, S means Summer Visitor, W means Winter Visitor, and V means Vagrant, a rare seldom seen visitor.
If anyone knows of any other birds seen there please email us with details.

Flora and Fauna

Trees along the riverbank include Hawthorn, Willow, Elder, Alder, Ash while bushes include Brambles, Ivy, Dog Rose, all of which give cover, food and sustenance to a range of insects, birds and mammals.

Birds commonly seen feeding in the river downstream for Corkagh Park include the Grey Heron, Little Egret, Kingfisher and Dipper. On the riverbanks you can see Blackbirds, Wren, Robin, Song and Mistle Thrushes, as well Rooks, Jackdaws, Magpies and Hooded Crows. Black Headed Gulls and Herring Gulls can be seen on the Sedimentation ponds (adjoining Moyle Park College) where Otters have been seen in the past.

Wildflower Planting Team

In support of the National Pollinator plan, and under the guidance and advice of Dr Rosaleen Dwyer, Heritage Officer of South Dublin County Council, FOTC volunteers helped to plant native wildflowers.  

We cleared 40 patches of approximately 1 to 2 metres square and planted them with a selection of native wildflowers specifically to help pollinating insects. 

Some of the patches in bloom

This image shows some of the patches we planted and in bloom.  Species shown include Red Poppy, Corn Marigold, Buttercup, Cornflower, Yellow Rattle to name but a few.
A great website for wildflower identification is Irish Wildflowers - here's the link to their website -

Tree Planting

In addition to planting native wildflowers (seen on the left) we have also planted some native trees along the riverbank in conjunction with the Trees on the Land project who supplied us with a number of native trees.  These include Hawthorn and Alder.